HA3 Task 7 - Sources of Information
Rate Cards
A rate card is a document that contains prices and descriptions from various ad placements options throughout the media. An example would be the rate of a hotel, they give a set price and then may go on to advertising in media spaces to advertise a discount for a specific day or week or month, to appear to the audience that their rate is lower and best around.
Advertisers’ Information Packs
Companies will produce leaflets and packs with information about their company and what they can offer. These usually start by introducing their company and how and when it started and how they came about the products they offer. It brands their company and may claim that it was one of a kind when it started, therefore making the audience believer that they were the original. They will also give examples of their marketing research and how much profit they've made and what they could offer the audience such as other information about human resources, fiances, charity work, management structure and careers.
Advertising Research Agencies
Advertising Research Agencies collect and analyse attitudes, preferences and behaviors of companies. They express this information to solve problems and take opportunities in marketing. There are websites which have listed agencies such as Michael Cohen Group, Databank Marketing Research and MSW Research on Greenbook.org.